Please turn to runINMF
or runIntegration
Perform integrative non-negative matrix factorization to return factorized H, W, and V matrices. It optimizes the iNMF objective function using block coordinate descent (alternating non-negative least squares), where the number of factors is set by k. TODO: include objective function equation here in documentation (using deqn)
For each dataset, this factorization produces an H matrix (cells by k), a V matrix (k by genes), and a shared W matrix (k by genes). The H matrices represent the cell factor loadings. W is held consistent among all datasets, as it represents the shared components of the metagenes across datasets. The V matrices represent the dataset-specific components of the metagenes.
- object
object. Should normalize, select genes, and scale before calling.- k
Inner dimension of factorization (number of factors). Run suggestK to determine appropriate value; a general rule of thumb is that a higher k will be needed for datasets with more sub-structure.
- lambda
Regularization parameter. Larger values penalize dataset-specific effects more strongly (ie. alignment should increase as lambda increases). Run suggestLambda to determine most appropriate value for balancing dataset alignment and agreement (default 5.0).
- thresh
Convergence threshold. Convergence occurs when |obj0-obj|/(mean(obj0,obj)) < thresh. (default 1e-6)
- max.iters
Maximum number of block coordinate descent iterations to perform (default 30).
- nrep
Number of restarts to perform (iNMF objective function is non-convex, so taking the best objective from multiple successive initializations is recommended). For easier reproducibility, this increments the random seed by 1 for each consecutive restart, so future factorizations of the same dataset can be run with one rep if necessary. (default 1)
- H.init
Initial values to use for H matrices. (default NULL)
- W.init
Initial values to use for W matrix (default NULL)
- V.init
Initial values to use for V matrices (default NULL)
- rand.seed
Random seed to allow reproducible results (default 1).
- print.obj
Print objective function values after convergence (default FALSE).
- verbose
Print progress bar/messages (TRUE by default)
- ...
Arguments passed to other methods