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When loading the saved liger object with HDF5 data in a new R session, the links to HDF5 files would be closed. This function enables the restoration of those links so that new analyses can be carried out.


restoreH5Liger(object, filePath = NULL)

restoreOnlineLiger(object, file.path = NULL)



liger or ligerDataset object.


Paths to HDF5 files. A single character path for ligerDataset input or a list of paths named by the datasets for liger object input. Default NULL looks for the path(s) of the last valid loading.


Will be deprecated with restoreOnlineLiger. The same as filePath.


object with restored links.


restoreOnlineLiger will be deprecated for clarifying the terms used for data structure.


h5Path <- system.file("extdata/ctrl.h5", package = "rliger")
tempPath <- tempfile(fileext = ".h5")
file.copy(from = h5Path, to = tempPath)
#> [1] TRUE
lig <- createLiger(list(ctrl = tempPath))
#> Found more than one class "H5D" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'rliger'
#> Also defined by ‘hdf5r’
#> Found more than one class "H5D" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'rliger'
#> Also defined by ‘hdf5r’
#> Found more than one class "H5D" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'rliger'
#> Also defined by ‘hdf5r’
#>  calculating QC for dataset "ctrl"
#>  calculating QC for dataset "ctrl" ... done
# Now it is actually an invalid object! which is equivalent to what users
# will get with `saveRDS(lig, "object.rds"); lig <- readRDS("object.rds")``
#>  Closing H5 file: /private/var/folders/k9/nwtr_c_57kd43cmbtz82ywlr0000gn/T/RtmpAnYSmu/file3141236e364c.h5
lig <- restoreH5Liger(lig)
#>  Restoring dataset "ctrl"
#> Found more than one class "H5D" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'rliger'
#> Also defined by ‘hdf5r’
#>  Restoring HDF5 link from: /private/var/folders/k9/nwtr_c_57kd43cmbtz82ywlr000
#> Found more than one class "H5D" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'rliger'
#> Also defined by ‘hdf5r’
#> Found more than one class "H5D" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'rliger'
#> Also defined by ‘hdf5r’
#> Found more than one class "H5D" in cache; using the first, from namespace 'rliger'
#> Also defined by ‘hdf5r’
#>  Restoring HDF5 link from: /private/var/folders/k9/nwtr_c_57kd43cmbtz82ywlr000
#>  Restoring dataset "ctrl"

#>  Restoring dataset "ctrl" ... done