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Identify the biological pathways (gene sets from Reactome) that each metagene (factor) might belongs to.


  genesets = NULL,
  useW = TRUE,
  useV = NULL,
  customGenesets = NULL,
  gene_sets = genesets,
  mat_w = useW,
  mat_v = useV,
  custom_gene_sets = customGenesets



A liger object with valid factorization result.


Character vector of the Reactome gene sets names to be tested. Default NULL uses all the gene sets from the Reactome.


Logical, whether to use the shared factor loadings (\(W\)). Default TRUE.


A character vector of the names, a numeric or logical vector of the index of the datasets where the \(V\) matrices will be included for analysis. Default NULL uses all datasets.


A named list of character vectors of entrez gene ids. Default NULL uses all the gene symbols from the input matrix.

gene_sets, mat_w, mat_v, custom_gene_sets

Deprecated. See Usage section for replacement.


A list of matrices with GSEA analysis for each factor


# \donttest{
if (requireNamespace("", quietly = TRUE) &&
    requireNamespace("reactome.db", quietly = TRUE) &&
    requireNamespace("fgsea", quietly = TRUE) &&
    requireNamespace("AnnotationDbi", quietly = TRUE)) {
#> 'select()' returned 1:1 mapping between keys and columns
#> 'select()' returned 1:many mapping between keys and columns
#> 'select()' returned 1:1 mapping between keys and columns
#> Warning: You are trying to run fgseaSimple. It is recommended to use fgseaMultilevel. To run fgseaMultilevel, you need to remove the nperm argument in the fgsea function call.
#> Warning: There are ties in the preranked stats (40.43% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".
#> Warning: You are trying to run fgseaSimple. It is recommended to use fgseaMultilevel. To run fgseaMultilevel, you need to remove the nperm argument in the fgsea function call.
#> Warning: There are ties in the preranked stats (38.3% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".
#> Warning: You are trying to run fgseaSimple. It is recommended to use fgseaMultilevel. To run fgseaMultilevel, you need to remove the nperm argument in the fgsea function call.
#> Warning: There are ties in the preranked stats (40.43% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".
#> Warning: You are trying to run fgseaSimple. It is recommended to use fgseaMultilevel. To run fgseaMultilevel, you need to remove the nperm argument in the fgsea function call.
#> Warning: There are ties in the preranked stats (29.79% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".
#> Warning: You are trying to run fgseaSimple. It is recommended to use fgseaMultilevel. To run fgseaMultilevel, you need to remove the nperm argument in the fgsea function call.
#> Warning: There are ties in the preranked stats (42.55% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".
#> Warning: You are trying to run fgseaSimple. It is recommended to use fgseaMultilevel. To run fgseaMultilevel, you need to remove the nperm argument in the fgsea function call.
#> Warning: There are ties in the preranked stats (34.04% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".
#> Warning: You are trying to run fgseaSimple. It is recommended to use fgseaMultilevel. To run fgseaMultilevel, you need to remove the nperm argument in the fgsea function call.
#> Warning: There are ties in the preranked stats (29.79% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".
#> Warning: You are trying to run fgseaSimple. It is recommended to use fgseaMultilevel. To run fgseaMultilevel, you need to remove the nperm argument in the fgsea function call.
#> Warning: There are ties in the preranked stats (42.55% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".
#> Warning: You are trying to run fgseaSimple. It is recommended to use fgseaMultilevel. To run fgseaMultilevel, you need to remove the nperm argument in the fgsea function call.
#> Warning: There are ties in the preranked stats (46.81% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".
#> Warning: You are trying to run fgseaSimple. It is recommended to use fgseaMultilevel. To run fgseaMultilevel, you need to remove the nperm argument in the fgsea function call.
#> Warning: There are ties in the preranked stats (38.3% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".
#> Warning: You are trying to run fgseaSimple. It is recommended to use fgseaMultilevel. To run fgseaMultilevel, you need to remove the nperm argument in the fgsea function call.
#> Warning: There are ties in the preranked stats (44.68% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".
#> Warning: You are trying to run fgseaSimple. It is recommended to use fgseaMultilevel. To run fgseaMultilevel, you need to remove the nperm argument in the fgsea function call.
#> Warning: There are ties in the preranked stats (31.91% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".
#> Warning: You are trying to run fgseaSimple. It is recommended to use fgseaMultilevel. To run fgseaMultilevel, you need to remove the nperm argument in the fgsea function call.
#> Warning: There are ties in the preranked stats (51.06% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".
#> Warning: You are trying to run fgseaSimple. It is recommended to use fgseaMultilevel. To run fgseaMultilevel, you need to remove the nperm argument in the fgsea function call.
#> Warning: There are ties in the preranked stats (38.3% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".
#> Warning: You are trying to run fgseaSimple. It is recommended to use fgseaMultilevel. To run fgseaMultilevel, you need to remove the nperm argument in the fgsea function call.
#> Warning: There are ties in the preranked stats (53.19% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".
#> Warning: You are trying to run fgseaSimple. It is recommended to use fgseaMultilevel. To run fgseaMultilevel, you need to remove the nperm argument in the fgsea function call.
#> Warning: There are ties in the preranked stats (34.04% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".
#> Warning: You are trying to run fgseaSimple. It is recommended to use fgseaMultilevel. To run fgseaMultilevel, you need to remove the nperm argument in the fgsea function call.
#> Warning: There are ties in the preranked stats (34.04% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".
#> Warning: You are trying to run fgseaSimple. It is recommended to use fgseaMultilevel. To run fgseaMultilevel, you need to remove the nperm argument in the fgsea function call.
#> Warning: There are ties in the preranked stats (40.43% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".
#> Warning: You are trying to run fgseaSimple. It is recommended to use fgseaMultilevel. To run fgseaMultilevel, you need to remove the nperm argument in the fgsea function call.
#> Warning: There are ties in the preranked stats (40.43% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".
#> Warning: You are trying to run fgseaSimple. It is recommended to use fgseaMultilevel. To run fgseaMultilevel, you need to remove the nperm argument in the fgsea function call.
#> Warning: There are ties in the preranked stats (31.91% of the list).
#> The order of those tied genes will be arbitrary, which may produce unexpected results.
#> Warning: All values in the stats vector are greater than zero and scoreType is "std", maybe you should switch to scoreType = "pos".
#> $Factor_1
#>                    pathway        pval       padj        ES      NES
#> 1 Viral Infection Pathways 0.002879693 0.01439846 0.6582108 1.796383
#> 2    Developmental Biology 0.012806715 0.02134453 0.6102249 1.639093
#> 3       Infectious disease 0.012114772 0.02134453 0.6068905 1.670470
#> 4                  Disease 0.033611669 0.04201459 0.5555992 1.540023
#> 5            Immune System 0.398703231 0.39870323 0.3869393 1.060113
#>   nMoreExtreme size  leadingEdge
#> 1           26   17 6232, 61....
#> 2          118   15 6232, 61....
#> 3          113   19 6232, 61....
#> 4          317   21 6232, 61....
#> 5         3750   18 5473, 91....
#> $Factor_2
#>                    pathway         pval         padj         ES       NES
#> 1    Developmental Biology 0.0001066553 0.0005292125  0.8125000  2.161949
#> 2 Viral Infection Pathways 0.0002116850 0.0005292125  0.7729954  2.087306
#> 3       Infectious disease 0.0004218519 0.0007030865  0.7303780  1.992890
#> 4                  Disease 0.0012647555 0.0015809444  0.6878732  1.886114
#> 5            Immune System 0.3978300181 0.3978300181 -0.2442762 -1.020686
#>   nMoreExtreme size  leadingEdge
#> 1            0   15 7852, 62....
#> 2            1   17 7852, 62....
#> 3            3   19 7852, 62....
#> 4           11   21 7852, 62....
#> 5          219   18 929, 362....
#> $Factor_3
#>                    pathway       pval      padj        ES      NES nMoreExtreme
#> 1                  Disease 0.09827316 0.2456829 0.5033034 1.368443          938
#> 2       Infectious disease 0.09027705 0.2456829 0.5107349 1.377837          856
#> 3    Developmental Biology 0.25334189 0.3166774 0.4475847 1.179798         2368
#> 4 Viral Infection Pathways 0.20220199 0.3166774 0.4607527 1.231663         1909
#> 5            Immune System 0.41105719 0.4110572 0.3933589 1.058450         3895
#>   size  leadingEdge
#> 1   21 3553, 92....
#> 2   19 3553, 92....
#> 3   15 6202, 90....
#> 4   17 929, 620....
#> 5   18 3553, 92....
#> $Factor_4
#>                    pathway      pval      padj        ES       NES nMoreExtreme
#> 1    Developmental Biology 0.3984009 0.6640014 0.3911585 1.0621787         3736
#> 2       Infectious disease 0.3076028 0.6640014 0.4098445 1.1395900         2908
#> 3 Viral Infection Pathways 0.2589248 0.6640014 0.4281271 1.1776923         2436
#> 4                  Disease 0.5667122 0.7083903 0.3355193 0.9399953         5389
#> 5            Immune System 0.9079949 0.9079949 0.2307424 0.6380570         8585
#>   size  leadingEdge
#> 1   15 6189, 62....
#> 2   19 9636, 61....
#> 3   17 9636, 61....
#> 4   21 9636, 61....
#> 5   18 91543, 9....
#> $Factor_5
#>                    pathway      pval      padj        ES       NES nMoreExtreme
#> 1    Developmental Biology 0.1080645 0.1820968 0.5086699 1.3580984         1004
#> 2       Infectious disease 0.1078004 0.1820968 0.4947284 1.3542520         1012
#> 3 Viral Infection Pathways 0.1092581 0.1820968 0.4991228 1.3502781         1021
#> 4                  Disease 0.2675253 0.3344067 0.4263150 1.1772368         2533
#> 5            Immune System 0.9046351 0.9046351 0.2309144 0.6291364         8489
#>   size  leadingEdge
#> 1   15 6228, 61....
#> 2   19 3553, 96....
#> 3   17 9636, 62....
#> 4   21 3553, 96....
#> 5   18 972, 355....
#> $Factor_6
#>                    pathway       pval      padj        ES      NES nMoreExtreme
#> 1            Immune System 0.02033505 0.1016753 0.5831827 1.577232          192
#> 2    Developmental Biology 0.16108809 0.2507099 0.4795479 1.269607         1515
#> 3       Infectious disease 0.20056794 0.2507099 0.4514197 1.226441         1906
#> 4 Viral Infection Pathways 0.18656085 0.2507099 0.4623016 1.240334         1762
#> 5                  Disease 0.40207809 0.4020781 0.3858369 1.057147         3830
#>   size  leadingEdge
#> 1   18 2214, 51....
#> 2   15 51316, 6....
#> 3   19 2214, 96....
#> 4   17 9636, 61....
#> 5   21 2214, 96....
#> $Factor_7
#>                    pathway        pval        padj        ES       NES
#> 1    Developmental Biology 0.002119992 0.005299979 0.6833333 1.8098851
#> 2       Infectious disease 0.001676973 0.005299979 0.6660305 1.8065540
#> 3                  Disease 0.009916493 0.016527488 0.6088180 1.6635131
#> 4 Viral Infection Pathways 0.014956815 0.018696019 0.6034146 1.6205789
#> 5            Immune System 0.966235405 0.966235405 0.2017394 0.5445265
#>   nMoreExtreme size  leadingEdge
#> 1           19   15 6228, 90....
#> 2           15   19 2214, 62....
#> 3           94   21 2214, 62....
#> 4          141   17 6228, 90....
#> 5         9185   18 10578, 2....
#> $Factor_8
#>                    pathway         pval         padj        ES       NES
#> 1                  Disease 0.0001056524 0.0001779486 0.7311131 2.0347979
#> 2       Infectious disease 0.0001062022 0.0001779486 0.7707551 2.1320177
#> 3 Viral Infection Pathways 0.0001067692 0.0001779486 0.8117175 2.2240811
#> 4    Developmental Biology 0.0002160994 0.0002701243 0.7432016 2.0051556
#> 5            Immune System 0.8720520756 0.8720520756 0.2444750 0.6734521
#>   nMoreExtreme size  leadingEdge
#> 1            0   21 6133, 61....
#> 2            0   19 6133, 61....
#> 3            0   17 6133, 61....
#> 4            1   15 6133, 61....
#> 5         8171   18 10578, 6....
#> $Factor_9
#>                    pathway       pval       padj        ES      NES
#> 1            Immune System 0.01203792 0.06018962 0.6100554 1.660667
#> 2    Developmental Biology 0.28440762 0.38382555 0.4366819 1.165137
#> 3                  Disease 0.37995979 0.38382555 0.3951049 1.086650
#> 4       Infectious disease 0.38382555 0.38382555 0.3945865 1.080472
#> 5 Viral Infection Pathways 0.27099808 0.38382555 0.4359909 1.180323
#>   nMoreExtreme size  leadingEdge
#> 1          112   18 9636, 91....
#> 2         2642   15 51316, 6....
#> 3         3590   21 9636, 62....
#> 4         3625   19 9636, 92....
#> 5         2535   17 9636, 92....
#> $Factor_10
#>                    pathway        pval       padj         ES       NES
#> 1 Viral Infection Pathways 0.005518412 0.02759206  0.6401089  1.744890
#> 2    Developmental Biology 0.020137104 0.03356184  0.5955000  1.601290
#> 3       Infectious disease 0.019694576 0.03356184  0.5825854  1.606885
#> 4                  Disease 0.060752575 0.07594072  0.5244344  1.455608
#> 5            Immune System 0.271217712 0.27121771 -0.2735749 -1.170263
#>   nMoreExtreme size  leadingEdge
#> 1           51   17 7852, 62....
#> 2          187   15 7852, 62....
#> 3          186   19 7852, 62....
#> 4          577   21 7852, 62....
#> 5          146   18 929, 355....
#> $Factor_11
#>                    pathway      pval      padj        ES       NES nMoreExtreme
#> 1    Developmental Biology 0.1183673 0.3593037 0.5055147 1.3508828         1101
#> 2       Infectious disease 0.2155822 0.3593037 0.4479718 1.2244411         2030
#> 3 Viral Infection Pathways 0.2041231 0.3593037 0.4555556 1.2352720         1910
#> 4                  Disease 0.4193139 0.5241423 0.3823529 1.0511160         3959
#> 5            Immune System 0.9427322 0.9427322 0.2086250 0.5678465         8839
#>   size  leadingEdge
#> 1   15 6133, 61....
#> 2   19 2214, 61....
#> 3   17 6133, 61....
#> 4   21 2214, 61....
#> 5   18 2207, 62....
#> $Factor_12
#>                    pathway       pval       padj        ES      NES
#> 1                  Disease 0.01976161 0.09880803 0.5886130 1.578153
#> 2    Developmental Biology 0.08275058 0.10343823 0.5305796 1.381736
#> 3       Infectious disease 0.05509671 0.10343823 0.5397122 1.443171
#> 4 Viral Infection Pathways 0.06961361 0.10343823 0.5311018 1.405059
#> 5            Immune System 0.31128812 0.31128812 0.4253640 1.131166
#>   nMoreExtreme size  leadingEdge
#> 1          188   21 6279, 62....
#> 2          780   15 6135, 61....
#> 3          526   19 929, 355....
#> 4          662   17 929, 613....
#> 5         2969   18 6279, 62....
#> $Factor_13
#>                    pathway         pval        padj         ES        NES
#> 1       Infectious disease 0.0009673259 0.003800630  0.6824759  1.9287409
#> 2 Viral Infection Pathways 0.0015202519 0.003800630  0.6849741  1.9137847
#> 3    Developmental Biology 0.0036307625 0.006051271  0.6645914  1.8295170
#> 4                  Disease 0.0057747834 0.007218479  0.6230769  1.7715767
#> 5            Immune System 0.9948320413 0.994832041 -0.1143908 -0.5001018
#>   nMoreExtreme size  leadingEdge
#> 1            8   19 4869, 90....
#> 2           13   17 4869, 90....
#> 3           32   15 9045, 62....
#> 4           53   21 4869, 90....
#> 5          769   18 929, 513....
#> $Factor_14
#>                    pathway         pval        padj         ES       NES
#> 1    Developmental Biology 0.0001064056 0.000133007  0.9062500  2.395471
#> 2                  Disease 0.0001051193 0.000133007  0.8417415  2.295903
#> 3       Infectious disease 0.0001054964 0.000133007  0.8669039  2.346979
#> 4 Viral Infection Pathways 0.0001056747 0.000133007  0.8936170  2.398999
#> 5            Immune System 0.2222222222 0.222222222 -0.2882457 -1.197634
#>   nMoreExtreme size  leadingEdge
#> 1            0   15 6164, 61....
#> 2            0   21 6164, 61....
#> 3            0   19 6164, 61....
#> 4            0   17 6164, 61....
#> 5          117   18 929, 362....
#> $Factor_15
#>                    pathway         pval         padj        ES       NES
#> 1 Viral Infection Pathways 0.0001087784 0.0005438921 0.7361111 2.0495122
#> 2    Developmental Biology 0.0004392708 0.0010981770 0.7310739 2.0012432
#> 3       Infectious disease 0.0007551241 0.0012585401 0.6823557 1.9212872
#> 4                  Disease 0.0043958400 0.0054948000 0.6304771 1.7860334
#> 5            Immune System 0.8202955237 0.8202955237 0.2552083 0.7145374
#>   nMoreExtreme size  leadingEdge
#> 1            0   17 4869, 62....
#> 2            3   15 6232, 78....
#> 3            6   19 4869, 62....
#> 4           40   21 4869, 62....
#> 5         7549   18   5473, 4869
#> $Factor_16
#>                    pathway         pval        padj         ES       NES
#> 1 Viral Infection Pathways 0.0006393862 0.003196931  0.6986226  1.925168
#> 2    Developmental Biology 0.0040882195 0.006813699  0.6577213  1.784370
#> 3       Infectious disease 0.0030759440 0.006813699  0.6471931  1.804147
#> 4                  Disease 0.0118293198 0.014786650  0.5949352  1.672219
#> 5            Immune System 0.3481989708 0.348198971 -0.2577690 -1.065138
#>   nMoreExtreme size  leadingEdge
#> 1            5   17 7852, 62....
#> 2           37   15 7852, 62....
#> 3           28   19 7852, 62....
#> 4          111   21 7852, 62....
#> 5          202   18 929, 513....
#> $Factor_17
#>                    pathway        pval        padj         ES        NES
#> 1    Developmental Biology 0.000741997 0.002990010  0.7078037  1.8673325
#> 2       Infectious disease 0.001261167 0.002990010  0.7037357  1.9036915
#> 3 Viral Infection Pathways 0.001794006 0.002990010  0.6881356  1.8384582
#> 4                  Disease 0.003459119 0.004323899  0.6524684  1.7745925
#> 5            Immune System 0.547169811 0.547169811 -0.2288559 -0.9203805
#>   nMoreExtreme size  leadingEdge
#> 1            6   15 6164, 62....
#> 2           11   19 6164, 62....
#> 3           16   17 6164, 62....
#> 4           32   21 6164, 62....
#> 5          260   18 929, 513....
#> $Factor_18
#>                    pathway       pval      padj        ES      NES nMoreExtreme
#> 1            Immune System 0.08560768 0.4280384 0.5036946 1.397848          802
#> 2    Developmental Biology 0.46387299 0.4645994 0.3766108 1.019211         4294
#> 3                  Disease 0.46459943 0.4645994 0.3603539 1.014640         4389
#> 4       Infectious disease 0.23678356 0.4645994 0.4316227 1.204928         2234
#> 5 Viral Infection Pathways 0.45952280 0.4645994 0.3700680 1.021795         4313
#>   size  leadingEdge
#> 1   18 3627, 26....
#> 2   15 6228, 61....
#> 3   21 2214, 96....
#> 4   19 2214, 96....
#> 5   17 9636, 62....
#> $Factor_19
#>                    pathway         pval        padj        ES       NES
#> 1    Developmental Biology 0.0002155172 0.001077586 0.7596713 2.0335976
#> 2 Viral Infection Pathways 0.0012802731 0.003200683 0.6868687 1.8746697
#> 3       Infectious disease 0.0037194474 0.006199079 0.6444805 1.7699671
#> 4                  Disease 0.0138492441 0.017311555 0.6023632 1.6657098
#> 5            Immune System 0.8094122658 0.809412266 0.2716142 0.7433329
#>   nMoreExtreme size  leadingEdge
#> 1            1   15 6232, 78....
#> 2           11   17 6232, 78....
#> 3           34   19 6232, 78....
#> 4          130   21 6232, 78....
#> 5         7601   18 6402, 26....
#> $Factor_20
#>                    pathway       pval      padj        ES      NES nMoreExtreme
#> 1    Developmental Biology 0.02433581 0.1211962 0.5925050 1.565952          228
#> 2       Infectious disease 0.07271773 0.1211962 0.5234712 1.413193          692
#> 3 Viral Infection Pathways 0.06922752 0.1211962 0.5318504 1.423238          655
#> 4                  Disease 0.18054973 0.2256872 0.4622005 1.253422         1720
#> 5            Immune System 0.60986877 0.6098688 0.3386207 0.911259         5808
#>   size  leadingEdge
#> 1   15 51316, 7....
#> 2   19 7852, 62....
#> 3   17 7852, 62....
#> 4   21 7852, 62....
#> 5   18 10578, 5....
# }