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This function scales normalized gene expression data after variable genes have been selected. We do not mean-center the data before scaling in order to address the non-negativity constraint of NMF. Computation applied to each normalized dataset matrix can form the following equation:


Where \(N\) denotes the normalized matrix for an individual dataset, \(S\) is the output scaled matrix for this dataset, and \(n\) is the number of cells in this dataset. \(i, j\) denotes the specific gene and cell index, and \(p\) is the cell iterator.

Please see detailed section below for explanation on methylation dataset.


scaleNotCenter(object, ...)

# S3 method for dgCMatrix
scaleNotCenter(object, ...)

# S3 method for ligerDataset
  features = NULL,
  chunk = 1000,
  verbose = getOption("ligerVerbose", TRUE),

# S3 method for ligerMethDataset
  features = NULL,
  verbose = getOption("ligerVerbose", TRUE),

# S3 method for liger
  useDatasets = NULL,
  features = varFeatures(object),
  verbose = getOption("ligerVerbose", TRUE),
  remove.missing = NULL,

# S3 method for Seurat
  assay = NULL,
  layer = "ligerNormData",
  save = "ligerScaleData",
  datasetVar = "orig.ident",
  features = NULL,



liger object, ligerDataset object, dgCMatrix, or a Seurat object.


Arguments passed to other methods. The order goes by: "liger" method calls "ligerDataset" method", which then calls "dgCMatrix" method. "Seurat" method directly calls "dgCMatrix" method.


Character, numeric or logical index that choose the variable feature to be scaled. "liger" method by default uses varFeatures(object). "ligerDataset" method by default uses all features. "Seurat" method by default uses Seurat::VariableFeatures(object).


Integer. Number of maximum number of cells in each chunk, when scaling is applied to any HDF5 based dataset. Default 1000.


Logical. Whether to show information of the progress. Default getOption("ligerVerbose") or TRUE if users have not set.


A character vector of the names, a numeric or logical vector of the index of the datasets to be scaled but not centered. Default NULL applies to all datasets.


Deprecated. The functionality of this is covered through other parts of the whole workflow and is no long needed. Will be ignored if specified.


Name of assay to use. Default NULL uses current active assay.


For Seurat>=4.9.9, the name of layer to retrieve normalized data. Default "ligerNormData". For older Seurat, always retrieve from data slot.


For Seurat>=4.9.9, the name of layer to store normalized data. Default "ligerScaleData". For older Seurat, stored to slot.


Metadata variable name that stores the dataset source annotation. Default "orig.ident".


Updated object

  • dgCMatrix method - Returns scaled dgCMatrix object

  • ligerDataset method - Updates the scaleData and scaledUnsharedData (if unshared variable feature available) slot of the object

  • liger method - Updates the scaleData and scaledUnsharedData (if unshared variable feature available) slot of chosen datasets

  • Seurat method - Adds a named layer in chosen assay (V5), or update the slot of the chosen assay (<=V4)


Since the scaling on genes is applied on a per dataset base, other scaling methods that apply to a whole concatenated matrix of multiple datasets might not be considered as equivalent alternatives, even if options like center are set to FALSE. Hence we implemented an efficient solution that works under such circumstance, provided with the Seurat S3 method.

Methylation dataset

Because gene body mCH proportions are negatively correlated with gene expression level in neurons, we need to reverse the direction of the methylation data before performing the integration. We do this by simply subtracting all values from the maximum methylation value. The resulting values are positively correlated with gene expression. This will only be applied to variable genes detected in prior. Please make sure that argument modal is set accordingly when running createLiger. In this way, this function can automatically detect it and take proper action. If it is not set, users can still manually have the equivalent processing done by doing scaleNotCenter(lig, useDataset = c("other", "datasets")), and then reverseMethData(lig, useDataset = c("meth", "datasets")).


pbmc <- normalize(pbmc)
#>  Normalizing datasets "ctrl"
#>  Normalizing datasets "stim"
#>  Normalizing datasets "stim" ... done
#>  Normalizing datasets "ctrl"

#>  Normalizing datasets "ctrl" ... done
pbmc <- selectGenes(pbmc)
#>  Selecting variable features for dataset "ctrl"
#>  ... 168 features selected out of 249 shared features.
#>  Selecting variable features for dataset "stim"
#>  ... 166 features selected out of 249 shared features.
#>  Finally 173 shared variable features are selected.
pbmc <- scaleNotCenter(pbmc)
#>  Scaling dataset "ctrl"
#>  Scaling dataset "ctrl" ... done
#>  Scaling dataset "stim"
#>  Scaling dataset "stim" ... done