Simplex Visualization of Cell Fate Similarity in Single-Cell Data
Yichen Wang, Jialin Liu
This package use simplex barycentric coordinate approach to assist
exploration in the similarity between single cells between selected cell
clusters. We denote a number (2-4) of selected clusters, or groups of
clusters, as vertices. We calculate the similarity between each single
cell and the average point of each vertex. By normalizing the similarity
between each single cell and all specified vertices to a unit sum, we
can derive a barycentric coordinate for each single cell. Visualization
method for binary (2-ended line), ternary (equilateral triangle) and
quaternary (tetrahedron) simplex are developed. The main plotting
functions are plotBinary()
, plotTernary()
, respectively. Please see full argument
documentation with ?plotBinary
, ?plotTernary
and ?plotQuaternary
. Here, we show some examples for
creating ternary and quaternary plots, which would be useful.
Example Data
In this vignette, we use data from Matsushita and Liu, Nat. Comm. 2023. The application of this method was originally used in this publicaiton as well. From the processed and annotated scRNA-seq data, we took the subset of 50 cells per major cell type from the raw count matrix and cell type annotation. These are embedded within this package.
print(paste0("Class of `rnaRaw`: ", class(rnaRaw), ", dimension of `rnaRaw`: ", nrow(rnaRaw), " genes x ", ncol(rnaRaw), " cells"))
## [1] "Class of `rnaRaw`: dgCMatrix, dimension of `rnaRaw`: 20243 genes x 250 cells"
## rnaCluster
## CH ORT OS RE Stem
## 50 50 50 50 50
Select top features (optional but recommended)
Technically, any forms of feature-by-observation matrix is acceptable for the method we developed, and users are encouraged to explore the usability of our method with other types of data, even not biological. However, single-cell transcriptomics data, as provided, usually is of high dimensionality and contains technical and biological noise. With testing different approaches of reducing the dimensionality and noise, we recommend that users select a number of top differentially expressed genes (DEGs) for each cluster that a vertex represents.
We implemented a fast Wilcoxon rank-sum test method which can be
invoked with function selectTopFeatures()
. Here, we will
choose the top DEGs for Osteoblast cells ("OS"
), Reticular
cells ("RE"
) and Chondrocytes ("CH"
), as also
shown in the previously mentioned publication. The number of top DEGs
for each cluster is set to 30 (nTop = 30
), thus 90 unique
genes are expected to be returned. Alternatively, users can set
returnStats = TRUE
to obtain a table of full Wilcoxon
rank-sum test statistics, including the result for all clusters instead
of selected vertices.
vertices <- c("OS", "RE", "CH")
geneSelect <- selectTopFeatures(rnaRaw, clusterVar = rnaCluster,
vertices = vertices, nTop = 30)
## [1] "Nrk" "Eps8l2" "Mfi2" "Scin" "Fam101a" "Sox5"
stats <- selectTopFeatures(rnaRaw, clusterVar = rnaCluster,
vertices = vertices, nTop = 30, returnStats = TRUE)
## feature group avgExpr logFC statistic auc pval
## 1 Rp1 CH 0.0000000 0.0000000 5000.0 0.50000 NaN
## 2 Sox17 CH 0.0000000 0.0000000 5000.0 0.50000 NaN
## 3 Mrpl15 CH 8.4139185 5.7710321 6948.0 0.69480 7.500435e-08
## 4 Lypla1 CH 4.6278876 2.5075283 5894.0 0.58940 4.817036e-03
## 5 Gm37988 CH 0.2568508 0.2568508 5100.0 0.51000 4.659094e-02
## 6 Tcea1 CH 11.7897501 6.0049962 6559.5 0.65595 2.617836e-04
## padj pct_in pct_out
## 1 NaN 0 0.0
## 2 NaN 0 0.0
## 3 6.578978e-07 64 19.0
## 4 1.081562e-02 36 15.5
## 5 7.428025e-02 2 0.0
## 6 8.540867e-04 86 40.5
Generating ternary plots
shows sample similarity in a ternary
simplex – equilateral triangle. The closer a dot, a cell, is to one
vertex, the more similar the cell is to the cell cluster(s) the vertex
represents. We recommend that users select the top marker genes for each
terminal and only use them is the features for calculating the
vt.tern <- c("OS", "RE", "CH")
gene.tern <- selectTopFeatures(rnaRaw, clusterVar = rnaCluster, vertices = vt.tern)
plotTernary(rnaRaw, clusterVar = rnaCluster, vertices = vt.tern, features = gene.tern)
Adding velocity information to ternary plot
RNA velocity is a quantitative measurement of cellular transitions
from single-cell transcriptomics experiments and reveals transient
cellular dynamics among a heterogeneous cell population
PNAS 2021). We implemented a velocity visualization strategy that
could be applied to ternary and quaternary simplex plot. The velocity
information input format must be an N x N graph (sparse matrix, where N
denotes number of cells). We have included a graph that matches with the
cells in the example dataset in this package. This graph is a subset of
the output from
module veloVAE
, as part of the processed data from the
publication mentioned at the start.
print(paste0("Class of `rnaVelo`: ", class(rnaVelo),
", dimension of `rnaVelo`: ", nrow(rnaVelo), " x ", ncol(rnaVelo)))
## [1] "Class of `rnaVelo`: dgCMatrix, dimension of `rnaVelo`: 250 x 250"
We create a number of square grids in the 2D plain of the ternary simplex (or cube grids in 3D space of the quaternary simplex), and aggregate the cells fall into each grid with taking the mean of velocity towards each of the vertices. Finally, we draw an arrow from the grid center pointing to each vertex with the length representing the aggregated mean velocity.
plotTernary(rnaRaw, clusterVar = rnaCluster, vertices = vt.tern,
features = gene.tern, veloGraph = rnaVelo)
The previous two functions mainly depends of
, which is widely used to create figures in R. The binary simplex is plotted normally in ggplot 2D coordinates, while for the ternary simplex, the barycentric coordinate is drawn with 2D segments with cartesian coordinate, instead of implementing a ternary barycentric coordinate system. Users wishing to add customized alteration should pay attention to this.
Exploration with each cluster
An argument splitCluster
is supported for all three
plotting functions. By setting splitCluster = TRUE
, A list
of plots will be returned, with one containing all cells, and each of
the other sub-plots containing only dots (cells) belonging to one
cluster in the annotation specified.
ternList <- plotTernary(rnaRaw, clusterVar = rnaCluster, vertices = vt.tern,
features = gene.tern,
byCluster = c("Stem", "RE", "ORT", "OS"))
## [1] "Stem" "RE" "ORT" "OS"
(ternList$Stem + ternList$RE) / (ternList$ORT + ternList$OS)
As can be seen in the subplots, osteoblast-chondrocyte transitional
(OCT) stem cells ("Stem"
) sit closer to osteoblast vertex
while do not tend to be extremely close to any vertex as observed in the
“OS” and “RE” clusters; reticular cells ("RE"
) and
osteoblast cells ("OS"
) are gathered towards their
corresponding vertices; osteoblast-reticular transitional cells
) distribute across the vertices for the two cell
types. These patterns match with the conclusion in the publication.
Similarly, the velocity layer can also be splitted.
veloSplit <- plotTernary(rnaRaw, clusterVar = rnaCluster, vertices = vt.tern,
features = gene.tern, veloGraph = rnaVelo,
byCluster = c("Stem", "RE", "ORT", "OS"))
(veloSplit$Stem + veloSplit$RE) / (veloSplit$ORT + veloSplit$OS)
As shown in the subplots, the OCT stem cells has the transitional potential towards all three terminal cell types; reticular and osteablast cells are differentiating towards their corresponding cell types; while the ORT cells have the transition potential towards both osteoblast and reticular cell types.
Create quaternary simplex plot
shows sample similarity in a quaternary
simplex – tetrahedron. The 3D visualization depends on package
for creating static figure, and rgl
creating interactive 3D display. (Linux users may refer to rgl
documentation for installation guide)
For a quaternary simplex, we need one more cluster as a vertex. Here,
we add the cells annotated as osteoblast-reticular transition cells
) into the vertex list. We also add the velocity
information in this example, as it will not be shown by default.
vt.quat <- c("OS", "RE", "CH", "ORT")
gene.quat <- selectTopFeatures(rnaRaw, clusterVar = rnaCluster, vertices = vt.quat)
plotQuaternary(rnaRaw, clusterVar = rnaCluster, vertices = vt.quat,
features = gene.quat, veloGraph = rnaVelo)
The 3D tetrahedron shown is automatically generated with an
interactive web widget. If a static view is preferred,
users can set interactive = FALSE
in the function call, and
adjust the view angle with theta
and phi
We have also implemented of GIF image generator that rotates the
tetrahedron rounding the z-axis. Note that package magick
is required for this feature.
here for how to install magick
in detail)
writeQuaternaryGIF(rnaRaw, clusterVar = rnaCluster, vertices = vt.quat,
features = gene.quat, veloGraph = rnaVelo,
width = 8, height = 5, res = 200)